


An 以太网 Private Line (EVPL) is a private data connection securely connecting two or more locations for private data services over a fiber-optic network. EVPL的主要优势在于它的名字——私有. Because they are designed as closed networks that don’t travel across public lines, EVPLs have built-in security 和 provide an inherent level of high-quality service.

EVPL服务, 速度范围从10Mbps到100Gbps, 是否为商家提供了可靠的使用, secure 以太网 point-to-point data service for applications including credit card processing, 文件共享, 数据备份, 网络电话, 视频会议.

EVPLs offer an alternative to traditional leased lines 和 can be more cost-effective, 特别适用于具有中等到高数据传输需求的业务. They are commonly used by businesses requiring a secure 和 high-performance connection between geographically dispersed locations. 以太网专线的主要特点包括:

  • 以太网协议: evpl基于以太网协议, a widely used st和ard for local area networks (LANs) that makes it easy to integrate with existing 以太网-based infrastructure 和 equipment.
  • 对称的服务: 不像许多有线或宽带互联网服务, EVPLs offer upload 和 download speeds at the same commitment of the b和width rate. 
  • 点对点连接: 因为evpl建立了一个直接, 两个地点之间的点对点连接, 它们是连接公司两个办公室的理想选择, 数据中心, 或任何其他需要安全和高性能链接的位置.
  • 可伸缩性: EVPL服务通常提供可伸缩的带宽选项, for businesses who need to adjust their network capacity based on changing needs. 
  • 可靠性和安全性: Because the service does not have connectivity to the public Internet, 它具有固有的安全性, which can contribute to a customer’s security policy 和 regulatory compliance.


许多行业依靠evpl来实现安全的通信基础设施. This can be particularly useful for companies that must meet strict security 和 compliance guidelines.

金融和银行业 行业, a key goal for its customers is to ensure safe 和 reliable communication for everything from financial transactions to data transfers, 实时交易. 对于这个领域的企业来说, EVPLs provide their customers a guarantee of confidentiality 和 integrity of their sensitive financial data. 

In 医疗保健、 the need to protect patient data during the transmission of electronic health records (EHRs), 医学成像, 和 other patient-related data is not only a moral imperative but a legal one, 也. 对于医疗保健组织, EVPLs facilitate the rapid 和 secure exchange of this information between healthcare facilities, 它支持及时和准确的诊断和治疗. 

在…的世界里 制造业和供应链; the importance of efficient 和 real-time communication between facilities, 配送中心, 最后一英里的送货服务提供商从来没有像现在这样急迫. EVPLs engender a seamless flow of data across these touch points 和 in doing so enable real-time monitoring, 库存管理, 和协调. 

对于那些 科技及资讯科技服务; the need to deliver high-speed 和 reliable connectivity for 数据中心, 云服务, 办公室间的沟通是一种战略需要. 对于这些环境, evpl为连接数据中心提供了关键的文字链接, 支持基于云的服务, 和 ensuring secure communication within 和 between IT infrastructure components. This can be particularly important for businesses relying on cloud computing 和 distributed IT architectures.

政府机构和国防承包商, the need for secure communication for the exchange of details related to – for example – military operations is an imposing challenge. 使用EVPL, parties representing these organizations can be assured of secure 和 resilient communication that guarantees the confidentiality 和 integrity of sensitive information.

能源和公用事业 circles reliable communication is at the heart of managing critical infrastructure such as power grids 和 pipelines. 在这里, EVPLs play a vital role in the utility industry’s ability to support real-time monitoring 和 the control of infrastructure to ensure the reliability 和 resilience of energy distribution systems.


除了安全, EVPLs offer many additional benefits that contribute to the effectiveness 和 efficiency of business operations.

推动科技措施: EVPLs can help you build a strong foundation to drive the success of technology initiatives. 特别是, 关键业务数据, 文件, 和 cloud applications can be accessed 和 transferred swiftly 和 securely between locations, 支持成长型企业.

可靠的性能: evpl提供对称和可预测的带宽, 确保一致和可靠的性能, which is important for applications like voice 和 video communication, 需要低延迟和双向通信.

可伸缩性: scalable EVPL服务 allow businesses to easily adjust their b和width requirements based on changing needs.

简化网络管理: Provides customers a level of security without having to encrypt traffic, simplifying the network. 

与现有基础设施的整合: 因为evpl是基于以太网协议的, 广泛用于局域网(LANs), they are compatible with existing 以太网-based infrastructure 和 equipment, 简化与组织网络的集成.

支持云连接: an EVPL can be used to establish private connections to cloud service providers, ensuring a reliable 和 secure link to cloud-based applications 和 resources, which is particularly important for businesses relying on 云服务 for various aspects of their operations.

以太网 Private Lines deliver a wide range of benefits to an equally diverse group of 行业 that rely on the security it delivers but also benefit from its reliable performance, 低延时, 可伸缩性, 简化管理, 以及对各种应用和服务的支持. These advantages make EVPL a valuable choice for any business seeking a high-performance connectivity solution. 

FiberLight’s 以太网 Private Line offering delivers the b和width customers need, whether it’s complete point-to-point connectivity between key metros or metro 和 long-haul services all in one place.

为 companies exp和ing into a new market or h和ling more organizational data at multiple locations, FiberLight has the experts 和 know-how to support your company’s growth with safe 和 secure communications. 要了解更多关于FiberLight的EVPL365电竞足球,请访问